Yurok Tribe Announces Winner of the 59th Annual Klamath Festival Logo Contest
The Yurok Tribe is excited to announce that Yurok citizen Brook Thompson is the winner of the 59th Annual Klamath Salmon Festival Logo Contest.

All are invited to the Klamath Salmon Festival on Saturday, August 19 on the Yurok Reservation.
Every year, the Salmon Festival committee seeks logo submissions from the Yurok community. The logo contest winner receives $250, a t-shirt and poster. The committee would like to thank all of the artists who submitted such amazing logos. Congratulations, Brook!

Brook is a Yurok and Karuk. In addition to being a talented artist, she is Ph.D. student at University of California Santa Cruz, where she studies the integration of Indigenous Knowledge into California water policy, nutritional differences in Spring versus Fall Klamath Chinook salmon, and how non-tribal groups can better work with tribes on restoration projects. Brook is the granddaughter of Aawok Archie Thompson, a Yurok language speaker and lifetime fisherman. Brook grew up in Klamath and currently works part-time as a Restoration Engineer for the Yurok Tribe’s Fisheries Department. The combination of art with science is important to Brook. “I believe Yurok artwork and crafts are full of scientific understanding and that art and science are not two separate skills, but instead two sides of one coin that benefit from one another,” she said. You can follow Brook on social media at BrookMThompson.com on Instagram at brook_m_thompson or TikTok @brookmthompson
The Klamath Salmon Festival includes: cultural demonstrations, Stick Game Tournament, Softball Tournament, live music, delicious food, basket-weaving demonstration, parade, activities for kids, petting zoo, 100 vendors selling high quality gifts and more. This year's festival is a celebration of the tribally led effort to remove four dams from the Klamath River. In 2024, the Klamath will run free for the first time in more than a century. The much-anticipated project is the largest salmon restoration initiative in world history.
*The Salmon Festival is a pet-free event. For more info - https://tinyurl.com/mt4353vr
Secure parking is off of Old Mill Rd. https://goo.gl/maps/AGrSbizb61HqEDn39