Planning and Community Development
Our Mission
In accordance with the programs and priorities set by the Tribal Council, the Yurok Planning and Community Development Department is responsible for organizing and conducting Community Development for the Tribe. The Planning Department assists in many areas of Community Development for the Tribal government and the Tribal membership.
*Water and Waste Water Systems, Electrification, Telephones, broadband, community buildings, and site plans.
Long Range Planning:
*Land Use Planning and Zoning
Transportation/Transit/Ferry Service
Realty/Probate/Land Assignments
Federal, State, and local agency grant writing.
Community Development Projects:
Klamath Youth Center, Redwood Hotel/Casino; Bald Hills Paving Project, Worthington School Purchase, Klamath Childcare Center, Yurok Justice Center, Yurok Visitors Center, Klamath Culture and Knowledge Park, Amphitheater, and Klamath Blvd Beautification project.
Ordinance & Forms
Ordinance & Permit Application
Yurok Tribe Klamath Office
190 Klamath Blvd
Klamath, CA 95548
Phone: 707.482.1350
Fax: 707.482.1377
Weitchpec Office
Hwy 96 Weitchpec, CA
Phone: 530.625.4130
Fax: 530.625.4148
Eureka Office
3400 Erie St.,
Eureka, CA 95502
Phone: 707.444.0433
Fax: 707.444.0104