About the Yurok Tribe
About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Yurok Tribe is to exercise the aboriginal and sovereign rights of the Yurok People to continue forever our Tribal traditions of self-governance, cultural and spiritual preservation, stewardship of Yurok lands, waters and other natural endowments, balanced social and economic development, peace and reciprocity, and respect for the dignity and individual rights of all persons living within the jurisdiction of the Yurok Tribe, while honoring our Creator, our ancestors and our descendants.
Our Work
Explore the work of the Yurok Tribe
Redwood Hotel Casino
Salmon Festival
Yurok Connect
Yurok Connect is a division of the Yurok Public Utility District administered by the Information Services
Yurok Connect
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Yurok Codes & Laws
The Yurok Tribal Court has been developed as an effective tribal justice system
Yurok Codes & Laws
Tribal Council Minutes
There are two State and National Parks located within Yurok ancestral territory.
Tribal Council Minutes
Map of Yurok Country
There are two State and National Parks located within Yurok ancestral territory.
Map of Yurok Country
Support the Klamath River
Yurok Condor Reintroduction Initiative