Head Start
Head Start
The overall goal of the Yurok Tribe Head Start Program is to develop social competence in the child's everyday life.
Social competence involves cultural development, cognitive development, socialization, physical and mental health, and nutritional needs.

The program aims to prepare children for the transition to the public school years. Yurok language and culture are also integrated into the curriculum.
Early Head Start ages 0 - up to 3 years of age.
Head Start ages 2.9 to 5 years of age (depending on birth-date). Lower income families have priority
Klamath Site
300 Minot Creek Road, Klamath, CA 95548
Klamath site: (707) 482-2811 ext. 206, Fax (707) 482-5401
Chystal Helton, Family Service Coordinator
Ke'pel Site
McKinnon Hill Road
(530) 625-1629 / Head Start Building or
(530) 625-4130 ext. 1603
Eureka Site
3400 Erie Street, Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 444-0433 License #: 125406166
Autumn Jimenez, Family Service Coordinator
Additional Information