Water Division
Water Division
The Water Division is dedicated to the monitoring and protection of water quality and water resources of the Yurok Tribe, including the Klamath River, its tributaries and wetland areas.
In August 2004 the Yurok Tribal Council passed the Water Quality Control Plan for the Yurok Reservation. This document set water quality standards for the Klamath River and its tributaries. This document also established a process for obtaining a Tribal Water Quality Certification for "Agency Actions" (Federally and State funded projects subject to NEPA or CEQA compliance) that have the potential to impact water quality of surface waters within the Yurok Reservation.
The Environmental Department has established a fee system to permit these projects and has set the precedence of permitting projects on the Yurok Reservation. This allows the Yurok Tribe to exert its jurisdiction in regulating impacts to water quality and protecting its water resources. Follow the permit application links at the bottom of the page for more information on the Yurok Tribal WQ Certification process.
The Environmental Department is an active member of the Klamath Basin Tribal Water Quality Workgroup. The Work Group is comprised of the heads of environmental departments of the Yurok, Hoopa Valley, and Karuk Tribes, the Quartz Valley Indian Community, and the Resighini Rancheria.